Spark Reference

Introduction to date_add in PySpark

Welcome to our friendly guide on using the date_add function in PySpark! If you're dealing with date calculations in your data processing tasks, date_add is a handy tool to know. It allows you to easily add or subtract days from a date, making date manipulations a breeze. Let's dive into how to use this function effectively in your PySpark applications.

Understanding date_add

The date_add function is part of PySpark's SQL functions library, designed to add a specified number of days to a date. It's perfect for scenarios where you need to calculate future or past dates based on a given date. Here's a quick look at its syntax:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

F.date_add(date_col, days)
  • date_col: A column containing dates to which days will be added.
  • days: The number of days to add. This can be a positive integer to add days or a negative integer to subtract days.

How to Use date_add in PySpark

Let's put date_add into action with some practical examples. Before we start, ensure you've imported PySpark SQL functions as F for easier reference.

  1. Adding Days to a Date

    To add 7 days to each date in a date column:

    df.withColumn('new_date', F.date_add(df.date_column, 7)).show()
  2. Subtracting Days from a Date

    To subtract 3 days from each date:

    df.withColumn('new_date', F.date_add(df.date_column, -3)).show()

Tips for Troubleshooting

  • Date Format: Ensure your date column is in a recognized date format, typically 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
  • Null Values: Be mindful of null values in your date column and decide how you want to handle them.
  • Data Type: The date column should be of type DateType for date_add to work correctly.
  • Timezone Considerations: Keep in mind any timezone implications that might affect your date calculations.


The date_add function in PySpark is a powerful tool for date manipulation, allowing you to easily calculate future or past dates by adding or subtracting days. By following the examples and tips provided, you'll be well-equipped to use this function effectively in your data processing tasks. Happy coding!